Cheer Attendance Policy
NO vacations are permitted the last week of July (choreography camp for Comp squads) and the last Sunday of July (stunt-camp for Game Day squads) through the end of the season.
NO vacations are permitted the last week of July (choreography camp for Comp squads) and the last Sunday of July (stunt-camp for Game Day squads) through the end of the season.
Attendance is essential to the success of each season. Attendance will be taken at the beginning at each practice, game and event. Each Cheerleader’s (and Parent’s) 100% commitment is required as each position on the squad is dependent on the other. When one Cheerleader is absent, it places hardship on the entire squad and can become a safety issue. It is for these reasons, the Cheerleader and the Parents must be advised of the importance of compliance with the Attendance Policy.
Attendance is MANDATORY at every practice and every game. Each cheerleader is expected to be at the onset of practice and remain throughout the entire practice, and from the time designated by the coach pre-game throughout the entire game. Should a game be missed, that will result in two (2) unexcused absences.
*Consistently arriving LATE to practice, games and competitions will result in your child having to sit for a quarter at a game. Coaches, team moms and parents are ALL expected to be ON-TIME for not just practices but games and competitions. Parents, coaches and team moms will also be required to volunteer for additional admissions shifts/other volunteer opportunities as determined by the Coordinator(s) should tardiness be a consistent issue*
Your daughter's position in the half-time/competitive routine is based on skill, however, will be adjusted based on attendance, including missing the duration (more than half of) of practice. Practices are MANDATORY and if you are juggling schedules, please keep in mind your daughter might not have a flying/base/center position as it becomes unfair to the squad each week when they have to wait until the practice is almost over to run through and practice their routines.
We understand things may come up throughout the season. For that reason, each cheerleader is allowed three (3) unexcused absences. Please be advised that just because you tell a coach of an absence, does not excuse the absence.
PLEASE NOTE, ALL-STAR CHEER/OTHER SPORTS/ACTIVITIES ARE NOT CONSIDERED AN EXCUSED ABSENCE. MOVING FORWARD, IF EVERY EFFORT IS NOT MADE TO ATTEND THE MAJORITY OF DAILY/WEEKLY PRACTICES (meaning you will need to work with the conflicting sport/activity to leave early to arrive to SVJ in a timely manner - no less than 60-minutes/practice). If you are not attending 45 minutes of practice at least then it is going to be considered an unexcused absence and if it is persistent YOUR CHILD’S POSITION IN THE STUNTS (BASE/FLYER, ETC) WILL BE PERMANENTLY CHANGED IN THE ROUTINE OR THEY WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE SQUAD AND PLACED ON GAME DAY, SHOULD PRACTICE CONFLICTS BE A CONSISTENT ISSUE. THIS IS TO ENSURE FAIRNESS AND CONSISTENCY THROUGHOUT THE SEASON. (Ex if you miss this beginning of practice and do not arrive by 7:15 you are going to be considered absent). Please keep in mind this pertains to only ONE practice/week. If you arrive late and/or leave early multiple days, that will count towards unexcused absences.
We do not expect any issues with attendance. However, if a Cheerleader exceeds three unexcused absences, the consequences are as follows:
Competitive Squad - After the 3rd unexcused absence – the Cheerleader will be removed from the Competitive squad and placed on a game day squad at the same age level as designated by the Coordinators and a conference will be held with the Parents, Cheerleader, and Cheer Coordinators to revisit the Attendance Policy and review the consequence for the 4th absence. Parents will also be asked to work an extra admissions shift.
Game Day Squad - After the 3rd unexcused absence - the parent/guardian will work an extra admissions shift (or equivalent) at the next game. If the parent/guardian does not work the extra admissions shift (or equivalent), this will count as the 4th absence for the Cheerleader.
After the 4th unexcused absence - the Cheerleader will be required to attend the next game in full uniform but will not participate.
After the 5th unexcused absence - a conference will be held with the Parents, Cheerleader, and Cheer Coordinators to discuss the cheerleader’s position on the squad.