General Rules of Conduct
At SVJFAC we strive to teach not only the skills necessary for your children to become better football players and cheerleaders but to also always show good sportsmanship and respect to their coaches, parents, teachers, game officials and fellow athletes whether they be on the same team or opposing teams. Each parent must at all times demonstrate appropriate behavior. Please note that our Bylaws contain provisions requiring adherence to these Code of Ethics and appropriate action will be taken against any member not upholding these standards at all times.
We ask that all parents demonstrate good sportsmanship by showing positive support for all players, coaches and officials at every game practice and event. These games are about providing children with an opportunity to learn the sports of football and cheerleading, not for the parent’s personal desire to win. These games are for the children, not for the adults. This can be achieved by providing support for all coaches, officials, other parents and other children involved in these activities.
We ask that you let your children’s coaches be their coaches and you be their parent. If you see something occurring on the field in a way that you disagree with, please address that with your child’s coach in a private setting after waiting 24 hours (unless it involves a safety issue). We also ask that you do not approach your child’s coach before, during or after a game (again, unless it involves a safety issue). If there is something that you do not agree with, or are disgruntled about, we ask that you wait 24 hours before you address the issue. This way the emotions can be taken out of the equation and the field is not a place for these discussions.
Please be mindful that all of our coaches coach their own kids. Please DO NOT make assumptions/comments in terms of positions in routines, preferential treatment, etc as it is in poor taste. Our competitive routines are created by paid choreographers and our game day routines are created by our teen coaches, using skill sheets, as evaluations on skills is done at the squad meet and greets. Every effort is made to highlight ALL the cheerleaders as well as their skill and any decisions made in terms of placement are based off safety, skill, effort, need, attendance, etc. At NO point as a parent should you be making comments to your child about placement in the routine, cheer lines, etc., as they always make their way back to the coaches, cheerleaders, etc. If there are questions about your child’s position in a stunt, the halftime routine or in the cheer lines, questions may be brought to the Coordinator(s) only.
We further ask that all parents refrain from using drugs, alcohol and tobacco during any SVJFAC sponsored athletic event including games, practices, scrimmages and cheer competitions. And finally, we ask that you volunteer in as many ways as you can. SVJFAC is a completely volunteer run organization and we have many individuals who volunteer hundreds of hours so that your child can enjoy the sports of football and cheerleading. Please do your part as well.
Constructive criticism, expressed to the right people, with respect, makes for a better team. Destructive criticism will not be tolerated. Rumoring, gossiping and complaints will not be tolerated. Concerns can be addressed directly (via cell phone/email - NOT TeamSnap or any other group chat setting) with the Head coach of your child’s squad or can be addressed directly with the Coordinator - Ali 724-799-7367 or svcheeritloud@gmail.com
Jewelry (including but not limited to: earrings, nose rings, necklaces, bracelets, rings) are prohibited and are not to be worn to practices, games or competitions.
Use of cellphones during practices and at games is prohibited - this pertains to our teen coaches and our cheerleaders. Please talk to your child/children about cell phone/social media appropriateness - they are not to be making Snapchats or Tiktoks with the younger girls, unless given permission by their parent/guardian.
Making fun of, talking about or just being downright mean to other cheerleaders, SVJFAC squads or opponent squads, Coaches, Teen Coaches, Coordinators or Parents, whether circulated by mouth or social media (Facebook, Snapchat, Tiktok, Instagram, etc); will not be tolerated. There will be severe consequences for this kind of behavior.
If your child is on a competition squad, you are prohibited from posting any part of the routine on social media until after the season is over.
TeamSnap is used for registration, scheduling, rsvp-ing and for making squad announcements. Please remember it is not necessary to discuss a problem that pertains only to your child or a grievance over a message that was circulated.
A reply is not necessary for every message. A simple “like” by clicking the heart button beside the message lets everyone know that you read/understood the message.
Individual messages should be asked to the Team Mom via text message, not through the chat function in TeamSnap.
These tips are to ensure we are keeping our primary source of communication clear and concise. When in doubt, please ask the Team Mom first before asking a question in the group chat - they likely will have the answer.
Team/group text messaging chats should be used for informational purposes only. When in doubt, please send a separate message to the Team Mom with questions, concerns, etc. Text messages can get incredibly overwhelming - please thoroughly read through any messages that have been sent, as the information you are looking for is likely in a previous message. Please refrain from general chit-chat in the group text, as it is used for informational purposes only.
Please ensure that you discuss which parent will be included in the group chat and ensure when necessary that BOTH parents/guardians are included on the group chat.