Game Day Procedure
Game day is usually Saturday for home games and Sunday for away games. Girls are to arrive 1-hour early, game ready (full uniform, bow, clean shoes, etc.).
We are a part of the WPYFL league. Travel times for away games can range from 30-75 mins. Games will be played in the heat and the cold as well as the rain. Unless the game is called off by an official, girls are expected to cheer. A positive attitude is essential and starts at home the morning of an extreme weather day and or away game - please do your best to encourage your daughter and not focus on the elements that are out of our control.
Cheerleaders are not permitted to eat during warm-ups as well as the game, including half-time. Please ensure that your child has eaten prior to arriving. Use of the bathroom during a game is one at a time and for girls on the younger squads, a parent will be required to come from the stands to take them. If possible, please make sure your child uses the bathroom before the game begins.
The girls are expected to cheer during the game - this is not social hour or the time for complaints - about weather, etc. Please talk to your child about the expectations of sideline cheering - the games are anywhere from 1.5 - 2 hrs. The girls are expected to be cheering, stunting, dancing (lightly choreographed 8-counts that can be performed to any song played by the announcer) and paying attention to touchdowns, etc.