Tryout Guidelines for Competitive Squads
Tryout requirements will consist of a dance routine, cheer, jumps and tumbling - we cannot stress enough that tumbling skills are NOT required and only account for a very small portion of the overall score.
Please keep in mind, this is a recreational competitive cheer squad and not that of an AllStar program. Competitive recreational cheer focuses on Game Day skills- cheering loud/saying the words, sharp/precise motions and general enthusiasm in front of a crowd. We cannot repeat this enough - tumbling and/or an AllStar background is NOT required or needed to be on this squad.
Our Senior teen coaches from the Seneca Valley High School Cheer squad will be instructing the girls during tryout week.
Black shorts, plain white top (no logos), white ankle socks and clean (mostly white) tennis shoes. No jewelry of any kind or nail polish. Hair should be pulled back and kept away from the face with a small black, blue or white tie-back. Scrunchies/ribbons from previous years may not be worn. No “cheer” shorts.
The judges will be considering:
Appearance - neatness, clean shoes, hair pulled back, etc.
Personality Projection - eye contact, smile, facials, etc.
Individual Form - timing, rhythm, precise motions
Group Cheer - timing and unity with group
Voice Projection - clear, loud and natural
Spirit - enthusiasm, ability to motivate crowd
Jumps - form and height
Tumbling - technique and form - tumbling is NOT required and only accounts for a very small portion of the score.
Dance Routine - rhythm and movement
Overall Performance - overall technique, ability to motivate, energy, etc.
All girls will be identified by number only. Numbers will be picked at random Wednesday night, before tryouts on Thursday. Former cheerleaders will not be identified as such, nor will they receive points for previous cheerleading experience and further, no cheerleader will be guaranteed a spot regardless of previous participation on a competitive squad. Girls will be trying out in groups of 3 or 4, in order of the numbers they have selected. They will try out in front of a panel of 3- 4 qualified judges.
1) Arrive on time (tryouts begin promptly at 5:00 p.m.) and check-in. Parents/guardians will only be permitted in the lobby.
2) Warm-up in the lobby. Make an effort to stretch and warm up prior to arrival.
4) Girls will be dismissed to the lobby when they have completed their tryout.
SMILE!! Maintain good eye contact with the Judges. Be enthusiastic and natural.
Maintain good posture with feet shoulder width apart and your fists on your waist. You may be asked to repeat a stunt, cheer, chant or dance routine without being penalized.
Remember, the judges understand that everyone will be nervous, but what happens in that room for those 5 minutes is what counts!
Those making the competitive squads will have results posted later that evening via email and on the Facebook Parent Page. They will be posted by number only in ascending order, not by total points scored. Please remember your tryout number. Please do not contact the Coordinators prior to this time for results. Should you have any questions in regards to results, please reach out to Ali 724-799-7367/svcheeritloud@gmail.com. The game day squads will be contacted by their coaches after coaches are selected.
Tryout practices and the actual tryouts are closed to parents/family members, with the exception of a very brief mandatory parent meeting which will be held during tryout week - Tuesday, April 9, 2024.
Competitive choreography camp takes place the last full week of July, tentatively scheduled July 21 - 25, 2-25 for the coming season, from 8:00am - 10:00am.
It is MANDATORY for all girls wishing to be on the competitive squad to attend. If you already have a vacation planned or intend to go on vacation during those dates DO NOT register for a Competitive Squad.